Your energy supply is seemingly endless, fuelled by anxiety your mind never rests, fighting the world and the inevitable constraints placed on you by its rules and limits. The world around you can seem unfamiliar; filled with stress and negativity. Put your trust in us. Today Slumberil™ can restore your freedom to lapse into a deep uncaring sleep. Breathe a sigh of relief and prepare to reclaim your long-lost power to rest without worry.
Whether it's a broken telephone, a crowded nightclub or an uncooperative computer, something wants to get under your skin. It will pick at your patience, weaken your will and compromise your peace of mind. If the little things that you used to shrug off are getting to you, let Slumberil help you regain control. Take the little blue pill to put the positive spin back on your perspective and make things right in your world.

Slumberil actively targets the Pons Varolii, a structure located on the brain stem. The pons regulates relaxation, and is associated with the sense of higher purpose. By smoothing the pons reactions to stimuli, Slumberil can help you relax and manage your expectations, allowing you not only to sleep better, but to experience a happier and more fulfilling life.
Try Slumberil for just one week and you'll never look back.